
Orpheus Mosaic found at Antioch Roman Art Hatay Archaeological Museum, Antakya, Turkey

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Remember hard copy sources

Bloggers, I would like you to use at least one hard copy source of information for your posting.  Mr. A

Mr. A

Monday, December 12, 2011

How's your blog?

Make sure that you make progress this week.  Work at home if you want.  Come to me if you have any problems.  
The photo is of Mt. Washington, a very special place to go, especially with snow!

Mr. A

Monday, December 5, 2011

unit information with assessment rubric

ILT   Mr. Ayres

Unit 3    Web 2.0 Unit:  group work using blogs and Power Point to teach about art

  • to give students the opportunity to construct their own web 2.0 tool
  • to provide a group experience wherein individuals practice 21st century collaboration with their group (of 3-4 students); to give a platform for thoughts, ideas and research through postings on their blogs 
  • to  provide a learning experience as the students research works of art
  • to provide a group presentation experience using PowerPoint to teach the works of art

The Blog
Before and during the creation of your team’s Powerpoint, you will blog with your team about your Picturing America poster. The idea is to share observations and research.  Be creative and lively and informative as you blog!  Teach each other! Your blogging should reflect your research and opinions.  

The PowerPoint
Your mission as a team is to create 1 PowerPoint presentation of 12 slides (each person on the team creates 4 slides about the poster.  Through your blogs and during your Class 5 meeting, figure out how to do this.

Class 1   Students are assigned groups and works of art.  Mrs. Bergh helps them set up             their blogs through their email accounts. They incorporate design features and     learn how to create new posts and to provide blog addresses on CCA class page           for classmates and teacher.

Class 2   I tell the students that they should check my blog in the days between ILT        classes, for instructions.  I screen a poster (work of art) and talk about various        ways that we could post on our blogs about it, including writing observations             and opinions, and incorporating research. Mrs. Bergh shows how to import       group members’ blog site addresses for ease of posting; she shows how to import     pictures and a/v material. 

Class 3   I screen 2 commendable student blogs-in-progress and discuss what is            commendable about them. Students are given the rest of the period (30 minutes)       to do research and make posts.

Class 4   I screen several blogs from the outside world to show different blog                 features.  I suggest that the students find interesting blogs, and that they will be          sharing them during the final class of the unit.  Students are given the rest of the        period (30 minutes) to do research and make posts.

Class 5   I screen the CCA guidelines for Power Point presentations (found on the         website’s academic portal under downloads, titled “Standards for US Student     Presentations,” and on my blog). Then, I show a strong example of a Power             Point and we discuss its positive features.  Students are given the rest of the       period (20 minutes) to meet in groups and start planning their Power Points.

Class 6   Having been assigned (by the group) 3-4 slides of the Power Point, each student         uses this period for individual work, looking over the group’s blogs to glean and      compile information for his/her 3-4 slides.

Class 7   In groups, students start construction of their group Power Points.

Class 8   Students finish their group Power Points.

Class 9   Groups practice their 10-minute presentations.  Each group should aim for a 10-minute presentation.  Make revisions.  Each individual saves his or her group Power Point in his or her ILT student folder and on his or her blog.

Class 10   Groups present to the class. 

Class 11   Writing exercise:  writing comments on a post

Class 12   Mrs. Bergh and I speak to the classes about 21st century collaboration.
            We screen a variety of blogs we and the students have found from the outside world that are good models of web 2.0 tools. 


Blog:  research 

depth of research  10
breadth of  research  10
responses to teamates’ postings 5

/ 25

Blog:  social + design

Courtesy and
Quantity of posts 10
(min. 10 posts)
design 10
video 5

/ 25

Power Point:  group outcome

Synthesis of research
(transfers well from blogs) 10
Continuity (one part flows well into another) 5
Overall design 5
Oral delivery  5

/ 25

Power Point:  your slides

Research  10
Oral presentation  10 Design 5

/ 25

Final grade:

CCA Upper School Guidelines for Power Point Presentations

The purpose of a Power Point slide presentation accompanying an oral report is to enhance the oral report.  The content of the report and your preparation and delivery are the most important parts.

General principles:

·          Use your content outline to decide what information you want to include or illustrate on your slides.
·          Design your slides to help your audience absorb and understand the content, to take notes if required, and to enhance their interest.
·          Each image (photograph, graph, table, diagram, etc.) you choose should have a purpose - it should illustrate or reinforce a specific point or concept. 
·          Know the specifics of each image you use – who? what? etc.
·          When you give your presentation, refer to the images on your slides.  Point out what is important or relevant about each one.
·          Include an appropriate number of slides – no more than three per minute.
·          Don't plan to read from your slides.  Use them as prompts, outlines or talking points only.  Accompany them with explanations and elaboration.

Design guidelines:

·          Choose a single, appropriate slide design and simple color scheme with enough contrast to be easily readable.
·          Use a standard font style and a font size no smaller than 24 point.
·          Don't write too much on your slides. The 6 x 6 rule says no more than 6 words per bullet point, no more than 6 bullets per slide.
·          Use good quality images.
·          Make your images large enough to be seen easily and do not distort their original dimensions.  (Enlarge by pulling the corners only.)
·          Minimize the use of fancy features (like spinning titles and wandering clip art).  These only distract your audience.
·          Proofread and spell-check your slides.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'll be watching!

I'll be going to your blogs as part of the assessment.  So, show me some good writing and good thinking.

What to do now?

Now that you have a blog and a group formed, and you know your Picturing America poster, dig up information about the poster and post it so your team can see it, and talk together about what you are learning.   Mr. A

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Start posting comments about your poster.

ILT blogging teams,
Please start researching your posters.  Click here for information: posters link
Remember, you will be making a Power Point about your poster.  But before that, just dig into finding out all you can about the subject of the poster, and posting lots of information onto your Blog, from the link and from suitable sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica Online.   --Mr. A